Happy birthday poems

Всего: 61 шт
Happy birthday poems (id: 122608)
Happy birthday
Happy birthday,
Make a desire,
Forever to stay,
Keep heart on fire.
Happy birthday poems (id: 122600)
Meet your birthday it’s so bright
Meet your birthday — it’s so bright.
We’ll mark it until late at night.
We’ve gathered so you can enjoy
Our company with fun and joy.

We wish you: let your dreams come true,
And only good people mix with you.
So, let you also have much money:
It is important for all, honey!
Happy birthday poems (id: 122592)
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You,
You are really wonderful,
Let desirable goals come true,
Taking life emotions colorful.

Let the adversity pass your life by,
Let dreams realised almost always,
And family waiting you every night,
Remember — doubt in yourself no ways!
Happy birthday poems (id: 122584)
How wonderful is this day
How wonderful is this day,
I congratulate you from heart,
Today is your birthday!
And I wish you a cool start.

Let all dreams come true,
Let all problems disappear,
Let perfect fate love you,
Love, prosperity are near!
Happy birthday poems (id: 122576)
I wish you best I wish you well
I wish you best, I wish you well
On this happy-happy day.
Smile like The Cheshire Cat
And meet all bad with a bat!
Happy birthday poems (id: 122632)
Take this gift buddy Smile
Take this gift, buddy. Smile,
And relax, mate, for a while.
It’s your birthday, you must rest
And take pleasure of the best
Friends’ presence. We are here,
And we’ll bring you much joy, dear!
Let us simply celebrate,
This event — it is not late:
We can dance and even sing —
Birthday is the coolest thing!
Happy birthday poems (id: 122624)
Party comes it’s happiness
Party comes, it’s happiness,
Having such a friend.
Never live in careless,
Never meet offend.

It’s your day, my tenderness,
Let your dreams come true.
Happy Birthday, dearest,
So admire you!
Happy birthday poems (id: 122616)
Happy birthday and tender wishes
Happy birthday and tender wishes
I have to write to you today.
Let your life to be delicious
And all your problems go away.

I hope my wishes all come true.
I really want you be so happy!
And all you want you can to do.
You are the soul of any party!
Happy birthday poems (id: 122627)
Cakes with candles on the table
Cakes with candles on the table,
Gifts in packs are ready.
Where is birthday child noble?
And his wishes steady?

Happy birthday, our darling!
Wish you to be wealthy.
With good friends and love among,
Just be really happy.

Just be brave before the problems,
Life is strong, you see.
But we’ll give you warming smiles,
They are life’s trustee.
Happy birthday poems (id: 122619)
I wish you today
I wish you today,
Eternal summer season.
And life is like a holiday,
Beautiful, without a reason.
Happy birthday poems (id: 122611)
Your birthday will be happy and funny
Your birthday will be happy and funny.
We want to say these words: “Honey,
Never give up and shine like a star.
Stay smart but jolly, as you are”.

So, let us say again: “Chin-chin!”
And your best day will begin
With smiles, dances, and much fun —
Let’s start this coolest birthday run!
Happy birthday poems (id: 122603)
Wish you inspiration
Wish you inspiration
And very happy life,
You’re the best, perfection.
Don’t change and be loved!
Happy birthday poems (id: 122595)
Once a year we all gather
Once a year we all gather
To hug you, our friend. Together
We are a team. Be lucky, buddy!
You know here everybody.

We wish you: get much money
And to be successful. Honey,
Birthdays give us a cool chance
To rest, have fun and simply dance!
Happy birthday poems (id: 122587)
On your birthday I wish for you luck
On your birthday I wish for you luck,
Love, money, health — you deserve.
May your life be without any muck,
And your way be straight, not curve.

May the best of your past
Be the worst of your future,
The time is passing so fast,
Enjoy every detail of creature.
Happy birthday poems (id: 122579)
I have come to you with presents
I have come to you with presents,
Happy Birthday, happy day!
We’ll be near any moments,
Let us plan your holiday.

Let we make delicious dishes,
Call some friends and close men.
All these dreams and lovely wishes,
All for you, just laugh again.
Всего: 61 Показаны: 1 .. 15

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Happy birthday poems

Всего: 61 шт

