Денис Елисевич - предприниматель, общественный деятель выпуск от 29.02.2024 Денис Елисевич

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Телешоу Денис Елисевич - предприниматель, общественный деятель выпуск от 29.02.2024 "Денис Елисевич" описание выпуска

Телешоу Денис Елисевич - предприниматель, общественный деятель
Телеканал: Youtube
Категория Новости, Социальные, Общественно-политическое
Ведущий:Денис Елисевич


how are you Joe very well indeed Joe

thank you for the um opportunity to talk

to you again that's a great pleasure

well um this an opportunity to president

insisted I that be made available look

um you know I know I appreciate uh you

know the quick followup call we had last

week but it's really important that

we're able to speak secure and ensure

that we're in the same page my team has

briefed me in considerable

detail on the events that transpired

over the weekend of the 6 and the 7th

and as you know um Clinton initially

shared those

details uh of Ukrainian intelligence

operations with our ambassador but in

the end your president of Ukraine and

responsibility with all due respect rest

with you and we have to be absolutely

honest with each other these actions uh

have left both the president and me a

little concerned and the president is

coming back from his vacation he's

convened a uh a meeting next week uh um

in the beginning of the week he wants to

discuss ways forward quote unquote on

Ukraine and uh I need to be able to tell

him uh that uh that you've taken all the

appropriate steps to avoid U this type

of incident because as you know we

intervened once before this when we

learned that you're

H was going to take some action and we

made it clear we didn't support that and

you stood down and then the next thing

this happens and so he's quite frankly

not real happy um and your military

intelligence Chief received a really

clear message us uh um uh several weeks

ago regarding our strong disapproval for

a proposed sabotage operation against

military targets inside then Russian

territory and I know

uh Crimea is Ukraine and it's illegally

occupied uh however you know we strongly

strongly believe that that raising the

cost on Russia should only be done via

political and diplomatic means not

military and and sabotage operations you

have uh uh and I know you've been trying

to call Putin I don't know whether you

got him I notice today he's in um in

Crimea talking about how the minc

process is uh that there's no intention

to deal with it uh Etc and I'm concerned

the risk associated with operations like

this uh I think they were far outweigh

the benefits and uh and uh you know I

think you're already seeing what's going

on in Mar opal and what's happened the

last couple weeks but here's what I'm

really concerned about and the

president's concerned about I know you

don't have the same connections with the

intelligence community in um in France

and Germany and uh but you know we're

working with the French and the Germans

to keep pressure on them to make

progress on M including advocating for a

seat at the table but instance like this

if they're going to find out um uh um

exactly what the hell happened and it's

not what the Russians make it out to be

we know what it was is four frogmen uh

intercepted uh all four escaped uh and

the next night friend fire uh that had

nothing to do with you guys and Putin's

trying to make some big deal out of this

but if if you and I understand you're

sending your foreign minister uh to

Berlin and Paris but if they find out

about this before their brief by you

this is going to be a

disaster thank you that's what I have to

say thank you Joe for the very

straightforward F

conversation again I want to repeat once

again that that's happening when I was

uh in my Far

East uh

visit uh we

undertake the important steps which

make this situation impossible in

future and uh the only reason why

we do not

resign the chief of military

intelligence that just I hate the idea

to do it immediately now anybody can

interpret that as a recognizing of

any of any responsibility or of any I'm

not asking you to do that nor nor nor is

the president asking you to do that

that's an internal decision you make

you're entitled to make it any way you

want but look every time the CIA screws

up in the United States it's the

president's responsibility I I fully

understand that Joe and this is uh I

just inform you that I made this

decision and they they would be done

later on and I provide a very severe


investigation and the results would be

very quickly and as a partner I just

informed you that you know that that's

happened in a couple of weeks or maybe

one month's time

but I completely change the system of

making decision and instruct minister of

defense and chief of general staff that

they also have no rights to approve

without the president any type of this

operation this is point number one

well okay um absolutely I have a meeting


the uh your

Ambassador he delivered me this message

from President

Obama and uh I give uh my answer and

message in return that we completely


the uh procedure for

approving this type of documents be the

criminal responsibility if anything like

that happen around why sure that that

would be not

possible Point number

one Point number

two we still trying to have a phone

conversation with Putin and he rejected


think he want to make

this uh So-Cal security uh Council of

Russia in Crimea today I think that's a

trolling because when he appoint this

sanov minister of Education to be at

right represent of Russia this is uh

nothing serious this is just a TR but in


case you don't make any new attemp to


Ukraine within your names you killed you

wounded people because they have

nobody nobody they don't have any

anything with this uh crazy idea to

blame Ukrainian in this diversion attack


airport I don't know ports

infrastructure object or anything like

that because this is simply not

true the same way like we don't have a

we don't open again we don't open open

the fire we don't use the military

force we know that we know that we know

that this is this is absolutely dead end

for Putin and at the end of the day also

because of your trust and your firm


we create in the

world uh the opinion that we put Crimea

back in the

agenda and that situation I think Putin

L well let me let me me tell you right

now uh petor at the moment I'm worried

that you're going to lose uh short term

I'm worried that you and I both know

that both fr France and Germany and our

European friends are looking for an

excuse to uh um to again always uh you

know blame uh blame uh Ukraine for

whatever is going on and uh what he's

about is trying to make sure that uh

that they don't force him to have to

meet his conditions under Minsk and I am

really worried that um and I want I have

to tell you the president is

he he already thinks I'm a little bit

too uh um inclined to uh um always take

crime's position I mean excuse me uh uh

Ukraine's position but this has caused

real difficulty here um uh I I I I don't

I don't want to I I I don't want to kid

you about it you know uh and by the way

I've asked uh you know I've asked

Brennan the CI director to follow up

with uh with your U intelligent director

including uh um KRA to reinforce our

strong view that Ukraine's political

leadership has to be fully informed in

any operations which you're already

doing but going forward um uh it's

really I encourage you to continue to

keep the rhetoric balanced and consider

how your actions are going to be

perceived internationally I mean you

have me you have the bulk of my team and

uh um but I tell you it's um uh I I am I

am really worried about this look again

I'm not first of all I thank you for



second look again we are open to you we

are transparent and we are

responsible so you do not have

to uh

think that we can bring any any any any

problem to

you because we demonstrate an absolutely

responsible behavior and this neither

Russ no you didn't you did not initially

now whether you knew it or not whether

you knew they were going forward in

Crimea or not and I believe you say you

didn't know okay I believe it but we had

no idea what you were about to do it was

not fully

transparent and it causes a gigantic

problem what do you mean we I just

confirmed that we plan to act only

political diplomatic

way no I got that and from this point on

I get it I'm just telling you I don't

want you to misunderstand I'm not look

all I'm doing as a friend is telling you

my AR my making my arguments here made a

whole hell of a lot harder now it's a

whole lot more difficult for me to make

my case why for you in this

country and I don't want to I don't want

to sugarcoat

it I continue to do it we'll get by this

but it can not come close to happening

again I guarantee you that this is not

happening again nothing like that no not

only this but nothing like that that's

Point number one point number

two today my chief foreign policy

advisor because this is Angela and Fran

asked that that would be Chief foreign

policy advisor not Minister because that

they because they they wanted that they

would be too

personal uh and they have a meeting in

bin with

the Mr Po

who of Anga and with the deputy uh OD I

don't remember but FR also sent his

trustworthy people and they have a


meeting and my uh you see of the

security secur line informed me that

meeting was very

good all right well that's

good but you know look I hope your uh

your intelligence service has figured

out that any provocation like the one

that occurred was going to re produce

the kind of action we you and I

predicted would happen he's doing

exactly what you'd think he would do

he's using that as a pretext to

significantly increase the Carnage in

and uh um in uh in the East he has he's

he's used it to uh uh to uh um you know

as a provocation uh to uh at a pretext

to be able to do exactly what he's doing

on a

touchline and uh we don't need that you

don't need that so uh hopefully this

will this will uh settle um but um I uh

I just can't tell you uh I don't often

get phone calls from the president when

he's on

vacation um and so uh it'll be

reassuring uh to learn that the meeting

with the French and Germans today uh

went as well as you've characterized and

and and that they are fully informed as

to what

happened um that was my major concern

that they were to react differently it's

good to hear they did


not over look I instruct to give uh

advisors the detailed

information and uh I ask you does it

would be better if you inform them or me

you said that better to do better to

send the high

representative and then I speak with

sorry if we inform them it will look

like we have in the past known things

that we haven't told them we should not

be the one informing them you should be














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